Another Tweet

Make It is over and I’m still reeling. It was an amazing experience. I’d been quite terrified of the scale of the event, but needn’t have been. I have come out with renewed faith in my ability to communicate my craft to people, as well as a new appreciation for my strong points and my weak points. I now know exactly what I want my booth to look like at the next craft fair, and how to do it. It wasn’t a bad booth for a first time, though.

And yes, I broke even, in fact, way more than even so I’m pretty stoked.

Thanks for everyone who made it happen and I hope to keep being a part of it in the future!

Also – starting an etsy store. I’ve just put up a few mugs and my gorgeous red pitcher for sale.

Taking pictures of my stuff is challenging, me and my black glazes. “Use natural light” they say. Hello World… I’m in Vancouver, and my place faces north. Still, we’ve been having some sub zero temperatures and clear days, so I didn’t do too badly, I think.Image



We’ll wait and see how it goes.

3 thoughts on “Another Tweet

  1. Zsolt Besenyi

    Hi David!
    I’ve just discovered your blog and your ceramics are so beautiful. I’ve also done a lot of experiments with glazes, mostly iron reds, but so far on cone6 only (my kiln can not do cone10 now but I want to “upgrade it”) – but the red colors are not even close to ones seen on your pieces or on this pitcher. Do you have experience in achieving iron reds at a lower temprature, like cone 7-8?
    Seeing your work is very motivating actually, the colors, the forms are exciting and in balance (I’ve seen a lot of excellent glazes on the internet used in a rather bad way!). I love this pitcher also, it’s gorgeous!!
    You mention a book by Daniel de Montmollin quite a lot in your blog. Can you give more info about like title or where I could buy it or get a copy etc?
    Another thing – will you continue your blog or is there another place/site I could see your work? As I see you stopped this blog in 2014.
    Thank you in advance!

    1. pricklypotter Post author


      I don’t write the blog much since I joined Facebook and post most of my glaze recipes and exportations there, mostly on the ceramic recipes group. There’s also which is a great resource for sharing glaze recipes and results. I have no experience with cone 7-8, I assume you need more frit or lithium. There are very nice iron reds for cone six, it’s always a matter of fine tuning the amount of iron, bone ash, and talc/dolomite. As well as the cool down rate from 1900 to about 1600 F. The book is practice of stoneware glazes. In French, I’m assuming the English edition is similar.

      1. Zsolt Besenyi

        Thanks a lot for the quick answer, it must be quite early at your place!
        As for the reds I already have a cooling schedule that works. Actually the only recipe that worked so far at c6 was Orange Street (converted to materials available in Hungary), I’ve tried it with different talc/bone ratios and also adding lithium/Spodumen but finally and strangely the best was still the version that was an exact conversion of the recipe that is advertised on the internet (but still not looked like the pics others post)! The Bailey orange C6 one did not work at all (muddy greenesh brown something).The Harris Temmoku was promising.
        As for the book, I found it on amazon but it is not available to buy anywhere now. If you have a 2nd copy of it, I buy it! 🙂
        Finally I’ve found your facebook site I think. Earlier I searched by your name, not “prickly” 🙂

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